Corporate Video: How to Tell The World Your Brand Story

Corporate Video: How to Tell The World Your Brand Story

In a competitive world market, your brand must stand out from the crowd. And to be seen and heard above the rest, your business needs to be viewed as unique, outstanding, and remarkable — noticed outside the normal flow of advertisements, services, and local businesses.

What you need is an authentic voice for your business that engages people as you shout, “Hey! This is my brand — and we are worth noticing because we are awesome!”

Because, you are awesome, aren’t you?

This is where we can help you.


Discovering Your Brand Story

Your brand story is your unique, personal business story, from your inception to your current goals and values. It’s all the things that inspire you in your work. And when you tell your brand story to your viewers, customers, or partners, you want to communicate your company vision.  Transfer your enthusiasm, and prove how you are different.

If you are unsure how to convey your brand story (or have forgotten), here are some questions to get you started:

  • What are your company values? What business standards do you abide by? Do you have a company motto?
  • What is your company personality, or style? Are you modern, professional, streamlined and efficient? Or are you quirky, laid-back, and family-oriented? A combination of both?
  • How did your company begin? Where did you come from?
  • What service or products does your company provide — and why are you passionate about those services/products?Why do your customers want and choose your products or services?
  • What sets you apart from other businesses in your industry? What makes you special or unique?

As you answer these questions, you’ll start to see your brand story emerge. A clearer picture of who you are — and how your consumers need to see you. Consumers want to be able to identify and align with the businesses they choose to work with. People want to see into your company, and understand who you are and what you do. By telling them your brand story, you help them engage in your brand. They feel involved. Included. Inspired. A part of your business.

Which is exactly what you, as a corporate company, need. So, how do we help you achieve this?

Through the incredible power of video.


Corporate Video and Your Brand Story

Think about it. What other medium has more power to evoke tears, laughter, anger, chagrin — sometimes all within a few moments?

Stories. Videos that tell a story.

Videos are one of the best ways to engage consumers. There are a myriad of statistics circling the web supporting that statement, but here are just a few more to convince you (if you weren’t convinced already).

  • 92% of mobile viewers share the videos they watch — Invodo
  • 65% of executives have visited a vendor’s site after watching a video — Forbes
  • 39% of viewers have called a vendor after watching a video — Forbes
  • 82% of B2B marketers reported significant success with video marketing initiatives — Vidyard
  • When marketers included a video in an email, the click-through rate increased by 200% – 300% — Forrester
  • The average internet user spends 88% more time on a website with video — Mist Media

Obviously, videos are unique in their ability to attract and retain consumer interest. Of course — you can’t do this with just any video. When it comes to marketing your brand, you need to create a coherent, authentic brand story that is then conveyed to your viewer through web content, imagery, and, of course, video.

The Connection

The ability to create a visual, audio, and emotional film that attracts attention and engages the senses to create a connection between your brand and the viewer is the goal. A well-produced corporate video project will help your consumers find a connection to your brand story, whether that be your awesome team members, your values, your vision behind your services, or something else.

Effective Delivery

You know the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” A video, however, is worth millions. Video helps to deliver messages effectively, connecting with your audience in a way that text or even photos often can’t. Video is able to break down or simply convey complex concepts.

Vivid Experience

Video offers a unique experience for your viewers in that it isn’t just one image, or a wall of text. It is living, moving color (or black and white), with audio that is used to create a deeper experience. Consumers are pulled into your message. Emotions are aroused. Unique camera angles, various filming techniques, the use of 3D animation video — these are all ways to visually provide a vivid experience and to help your viewer to feel and understand your message. At Sparkworks Media, we are especially skilled in creating unique ideas and strategies to embody your brand for your corporate video production projects.

Get Personal

A well-produced corporate video will leave your viewers with a solid understanding of who you are and what you are passionate about. Their personal connection with your brand creates a lasting impression. They’ll love what they see. Because people love authenticity. Authentic representations of you who are will intrigue your viewers and leave them asking for more. More information, more services…more video.

Stand Out From the Crowd

You want to stand out from your competitors? Video is one of your best choices to do so. Look around — how many of your competitors have already produced a corporate video production to express their brand story? Is this your opportunity to get a leg up?

There are so many companies and corporations in business in Seattle these days. We’re a growing city stiff with competition, new ideas, and ambitious dreams. An amazing corporate video that tells the world why you’re different is going to help set you apart from all the others. In working with our team, you can creatively communicate why you’re special and why consumers should be interested in what you’re doing.

In a crowded, competitive world market, its the brands that have positioned themselves as authentic, relatable, and unique that are going to stride forward into our burgeoning economy. Dare to step out, and stand up. Dare to be authentic through a corporate video production project.

Getting Help Creating Your Corporate Video Brand Story

At Sparkworks Media, we specialize in video production for corporate companies. We love to help businesses articulate who they are and how to communicate that message with the power of video. We are a Seattle based company that travels nationally and internationally to our clients as we work with them to create marketing video productions and corporate video projects that accurately reflect their brand, and engage their viewers.

Interested in learning more? Give us a call and we can talk about how we can work to create your brand story video.