7 Habits of Highly Successful Marketing Videos

7 Habits of Highly Successful Marketing Videos

Your pour time, money, and effort into having your team create a marketing video. Hours were spent selecting the right imagery and audio clips. Days were spent editing and crafting your film.

The last thing you want is to release your marketing video and discover it is a total flop. No leads. No engagement. No ROI.

If that marketing video does not produce a positive return on investment or other measurable result, no matter how beautiful the imagery or moving the music, it was not worth your businesses time and money. And that’s frustrating.

So, don’t create that video. Instead, follow these 7 healthy marketing video habits to ensure you produce a marketing video that blows your boss away with success and positive ROI.


1. Never Forget the Importance of the Emotional Hook

Marketing video content has to relate to your audience on an emotional level. Whether you’ve got them laughing, teary-eyed, nodding in sardonic agreement, or even fearful, emotional engagement is a huge key in creating a successful video. If you want to learn more about the importance of emotion, check out our blog on the secret to creating a viral video.

2. A Good Marketing Video Will Send a Clear Message

Make your message clear and easily understood – and do this quickly. With our attention span dwindling to less than that of a goldfish, it is important that your message is conveyed rapidly in conjunction with genuinely interesting content.

And don’t get carried away with a whole slew of ‘takeaways’. Your video should send ONE message well. This is your focus and the target of your whole video.

One clear, engaging message — all the rest is gravy.

3. Be Sure Your Video Speaks Directly to the Target Audience

Who are you producing for? Many companies make the mistake of producing marketing videos designed to target every audience, thinking that by creating video content that appeals to greater numbers of viewers, they’ll get greater leads and sales.

This is not the case.

The better strategy is to hone in on a specific target audience so that you are able to produce a video that doesn’t mildly interest the masses, but instead excites, engages, and interests your target demographic. With a correctly targeted marketing video, you’ll get a higher ROI and far more loyal customers.

4. Your Marketing Video Must Have Engaging Content

Every image or sequence should be compelling on its own. A good practice to help you assess whether or not your imagery is engaging is to turn off the sound and watch the video all the way through. Next, turn the picture off and listen to the audio of your video.

Each part of your media must work on its own to engage and delight your viewers. Consumers are so easily derailed and distracted these days that you need to carefully craft each aspect of your video.

Not only will you stand a better chance of converting your viewer to a customer, engaging video content that retains interest is also more likely to be shared on social media. This lengthens your marketing video content reach significantly, which, as we all know, means only good things for your brand.

7. Every Marketing Video Needs a Clear Call-To-Action

If you have a viewer interested, engaged, and excited about your message, but you don’t give them a way to act upon that emotion, you’ll lose a sale.

Always be sure that your videos offer your viewer an action to take. Whether you direct them to go to your website, fill out a nearby form, or just give them your phone number, you’ll find that you gain significantly more leads (and thereby also positive ROI) when your videos include a clear call-to-action.

6. Marketing Videos Must Communicate Your Unique Brand Voice

People don’t want just another big box brand these days. They want a company with a unique authentic voice that they can get behind, support, and be loyal too. People are looking for brands that they can 1) trust and 2) genuinely enjoy. By being your unique, amazing selves, you can attract and retain customers through awesome, authentic videos.

7. Don’t Forget to Share Your Video to the Right Platforms

If you’ve created a marketing video targeting young teens that wear Nike brand sneakers, chances are your target demographic isn’t going to see your video about your brand’s awesome new shoes if you simply share it to your LinkedIn profile.

Even if you get every other aspect of your marketing video perfect, if you don’t get it circulating in the right communities, you will not get a positive ROI. A common mistake many marketing teams make is to share their videos to the most active social platforms, and then sit back to watch the leads pour in. 

Think about your target audience. Where are they hanging out online? On TV? What are they watching? What websites do they visit? What social media channels are they active on? Once you’ve figured that out, share the hell out of your video.


Here are some places that you should consider putting your video:

  • Your website (homepage, blogs, relevant service pages, etc)
  • Youtube
  • Vimeo
  • TV ad space
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram

And remember, videos are not searched in the same way as text on a website. You’ll need to add descriptive text and tags to your Youtube videos so they can be found.

Here’s a list of many more niche social media platforms to consider using when sharing your marketing video content (and other content too).

Bonus Tip: Find an Expert Seattle Video Production Team

One of the best ways to ensure the success of your marketing video is to work with an experienced video production team. Find someone that knows the business, has a long track record of successful videos, and that understands how to communicate your brand clearly.

When you’ve got all this on your side, a successful marketing video is guaranteed.

Get in touch with our Seattle video production team by calling 206-284-5500 so that we can create a successful marketing video for your brand.