
uZoom – App Launch

The Challenge – Launching an App

uZoom, a new video sharing app, was hitting the market soon. Their founders had already started and sold a previous app and knew how important a great video is to securing funding and customers. They needed a solid Seattle video production company who could bring together all the pieces of their story and create a video that demonstrated the product and sold the idea.

The Solution – Keeping it Real

Whether as a Kickstarter campaign or as a startup sales video, a video has to be an efficient marketing tool. After discussing the key messaging with uZoom, Sparkworks developed a script and production plan to maximize the visual and persuasive impact they wanted while spending wisely. Limited actors and locations while ensuring top quality tools and talent in front of and behind the camera.

The Result – Ready for Launch

uZoom released recently launched their video to rave reviews and has secured additional funding. ‘Absolute great work,’ they said, and ‘we’ll be recommending you guys all the time!’ Sounds good to us!!

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