
The Overview – Only the Best

Teague needed a 60 second animated product presentation for their line of Essence GAINS airline galley appliances. The animation was to be a submittal for a design award (competition). The aim was to showcase the simple and elegant design style of the product line while featuring ease of use and functional features specific to an airline galley environment.

Teague is a world-class design agency with exacting standards for quality. Since the submission deadline was near, Sparkworks worked on an accelerated timeline. In order to deliver on time and with the best possible quality, preproduction planning was going to be key.

The Solution – A Close Partnership

Teague provided reference samples of animated product presentations that demonstrated the desired pacing, camera feel and attention to product design details. This helped us establish the tone and energy of the piece.

CAD files were provided and we worked on establishing realistic materials and a presentation environment for the renders while Teague prepared story boards.

The storyboards detailed shot by shot which features of the products would be focused on. Teague also developed a 1st draft story reel, timing the frames of the story board to establish shot lengths and pacing.

Our next step was to create an animatic based off of the story reel, using draft renders and establishing actual camera angles, motion and shot timing.  Working closely with Teague, revisions with draft rendering allowed us to fine tune the camera motion and pacing with short review cycles.

The Results – Showcasing Superior Design

Once the animatic was locked down, we proceeded to final renders, color correction and selection of music.

The result was a sleek, elegant presentation of an award-winning product line. The video received rave reviews and Teague won the interior design competition.

“Working with Sparkworks was very collaborative, and the production and editing process was smooth and efficient. We were able to get exactly what we were envisioning for the presentation. The video was a success, and we won multiple awards for the design. The animation produced by Sparkworks media played a major role in the presentation of our design for those compeititons.” -Brian Conner – Teague

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