
Tacoma Power – Animated Explainer Videos

The Overview – A Growing Demand

Part of Tacoma Power’s efforts to manage energy consumption and mitigate the need for new power sources is their innovative rebate program. Getting the word out about the rebates and helping consumers understand the program’s benefits was the goal of creating 6 animated explainer videos.

The Solution – Visualizing Collaboration

Tacoma Power chose Sparkworks Media to produce their series of videos. The utility was working with a tight budget – producing the videos as a series enabled Sparkworks to leverage similar creative elements and themes across all videos. Multiple stakeholders added to the complexity with some videos being simple overviews and others diving in to technical detail

The Results – A Conservation Conversation

Tacoma Power has been thrilled with the videos. They will be used as part of a future pre-roll media buy as well as on their website and other media, all designed to encourage consumers to conserve energy.

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