
Moss Adams – Inspire the Best to Hire the Best


The Overview – People, Not Just the Figures

Moss Adams is one of the fastest growing accounting firms in the U.S. – but their success goes well beyond the numbers.  It’s the people.  The culture.  Personality is not synonymous with the word accounting – but at Moss Adams, it really is.  How do you re-tell the ‘story’ of a top tier accounting firm?  And, not have it sound like a sales pitch? Well, that’s where Sparkworks comes in.

The Solution – A Fresh Take on Accounting Culture

From creative brief to the final screen, Sparkworks engineered their video to highlight the progressive employee culture yet still communicate the career potential at Moss Adams.  Large, successful accounting firms like Moss Adams all have room for upward mobility – but at Moss Adams, you don’t have to sacrifice thriving in your personal life.  Sparkworks crafted this message to set Moss Adams apart from the herd.

Rather than hear how great it was to work at Moss Adams from upper management, Sparkworks took an authentic documentary style approach to the narrative.  We sat down and interviewed young employees just starting out – so that potential recruits could hear from potential peers, not potential bosses.

Sparkworks coupled the narrative with fresh, bright visuals of employees thriving inside, and, more importantly, outside the office.

The Results – Flair, Right by the Numbers

Style met substance.  Facts met flair.  Numbers, well, they met the ‘the number people.’  All the while having fun.

Take a look at their video, then watch some other accounting firm recruitment spots; where would you want to work?

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