Sologic – A Case Study

Sologic – A Case Study

The Overview – Focusing a New Brand

Sologic, ( an industry leader in root cause analysis for business, was in the midst of a major branding challenge. In need for a clear and concise way to communicate the goals, services and personality of their re-envisioned company, they came to Sparkworks Media and began an inspired discussion.

The goal was simple enough – to create video that striped away any gimmicks and presented the key personnel and services of Sologic, in a way business leaders would easily absorb.

The Solution – Focused Messaging

After several discussions and various creative approaches, a direction was settled on that could easily work across the web and during corporate presentations. First and foremost, it was decided that Sologic’s business leaders needed to be front and center to solidify trust. Second, they would present the new business and its great offerings in a way that would engage business leaders with a common language – solving problems.

Pulling on various talents across the company, Sparkworks combined a sharp looking live-action production with branded motion graphics to drive the video’s messaging.

The Results – Focusing the Business’ Future

The video succeeded in exactly the way it needed to – introducing the business world to an amazing new root cause analysis solutions company, their extensive services and the engaging people behind it.

“Sparkworks did an excellent job of understanding Sologic’s business; objectives; new brand image, products and services; target audiences; budget; and creative appetite. They clearly and regularly communicated with us to agree upon and execute a creative concept that exactly met our needs and expectations.” -Debbie Alford, Director of Communication, Sologic

“Sparkworks took some fairly complex concepts and boiled them down to a logical script that got our message across clearly. We have found that the videos are a great way to introduce our company to new prospects and re-engage with people we haven’t spoken with for a while.” -Jon Boisoneau, Product Development Manager, Sologic